Monday, 13 January 2014


Hello and Happy New Year! Better late than never. 
I thought I would write a general update as it's been quite a while since my last post.
One of my New Years resolutions is to write more, including this blog, I am pretty awful at finding or MAKING time to post! I make various excuses to myself but truth be told I am just a procrastinator. 
So what's happened, there are many things I could have written about, I went back to work (I've now left) Daisy started at nursery (she's now left) Daisy turned 1 (she is now 14 months) you get the picture! 
Going back to work was fine, I was only doing 2 night shifts a week which was great, being paid for doing unsocial hours meant I was still earning a decent amount and Daisy was going to nursery 1 day a week while I slept/did housework/went shopping!

My job was a support and recovery worker in a rehabilitation unit for people coming out of hospital with psychosis, I really loved it, nights were so quiet, it was actually nice having some time to myself and being able to read uninterrupted! I did find the tiredness/staying awake hard, but at least I was used to the lack of sleep from the newborn phase! I decided to leave when my 3 months of flexible working was up, I would have had to go full time or at least do day shifts so paying for Daisy to be at nursery more would not have added up. So I am now officially a stay at home mum. I am looking for another part time job ideally 2 days a week. It's important for me to spend time with Daisy while she is this age, she will only be young once, and we may struggle a little but I'm lucky that we can survive without me working. 

Ready for her first day at nursery

Birthday blueberry muffins

Daisy had her 1st birthday, on her actual birthday we took her to the Sealife Centre in Brighton, then had fish and chips, the day was a bit of a disaster for various reasons, but we did manage to have a good memorable time. 

Sealife centre

She had a little party on the Saturday after her birthday for her 'friends' to come to, I think she was mostly overwhelmed but it was lovely seeing everyone playing and everyone was very kind with the presents they gave her. She is one lucky girl! 

Daisy and her cake just before grabbing the flame, then bursting into tears! 
In other news we are in the process of buying a house, for those who are unaware we have been stuck in a one bedroom flat since Daisy was born, I hate it and it's been very stressful the 3 of us living in such a small space, Daisy still sleeps in our room which is hard at times like when you can't sniff or cough for fear of waking her! But it has it's good points like when she wakes up in the morning chatting away and her head appears at the end of the cot followed by her giraffe usually flung at my head :) 

So I am counting down the days to when we move and she can finally have her own room, I am so excited to decorate it! I won't say too much about the house as it's not exchanged yet and we already set our hearts on another which fell through so safe to say we are wary this time. I hope to have more positive news soon.